Englischsprachige Literatur zur Tarlov Zyste
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Frei verfügbare Artikel (Abruf 26.11.09)
Acosta Jr. Frank L.; Quinones-Hinojosa Alfredo. Weinstein Philip R. ( 2003): Diagnosis and management of sacral Tarlov cysts. Case report and review of the literature. Neurosurgical FOCUS. Vol. 15. Nr. 2. Seite 1-7.
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Al-Qahtani Saeed (1998): TARLOV’S CYST. - Annals of Saudi Medicine.Vol. 18. Nr. 1. Seite 49-50.
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Caruso Gerardo; Germanò Antonino; Caffo Mariella; Belvedere Massimo; La Rosa Giovanni; De Divitiis Oreste; Tomasello Francesco (1999): Anterior thoracic intradural arachnoid cysts Case report and review of the literature E10. Neurosurgical FOCUS. Vol. 6. Nr. 5.
Link zu http://thejns.org/doi/pdfplus/10.3171/foc.1999.6.5.11
Campos W.K.; Linhares M.N.; Brodbeck I.M.; Ruhland I. (2008): Anterior cervical arachnoid cyst with spinal cord compression. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. Vol. 66. Nr. 2A. Seite 272-273.
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Chang Il Ju; Ho Shin; Seok Won Kim; Hyeun Sung Kim (2009): Sacral Perineural Cyst Accompanying Disc Herniation. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. Vol. 45. Nr. 3. Seite 185–187.
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Clatterbuck R.E.; Jackman S.V.; Kavoussi L.R.; Long D.M. (2000): Laparoscopic treatment of an anterior sacral meningocele Case illustration. RE J Neurosurg (Spine 2). Vol.92. Seite 246.
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Erbayraktar Serhat; Bülent Tekinsoy; Dursun Acar Ümit(2003): A Different Operative Approach for the Excision of an Incidental Sacral Perineural Cyst: Case Report. Turkish Neurosurgery. Vol. 13. Seite 98-02.
Link zu http://neurosurgery.dergisi.org/pdf/pdf_JTN_489.pdf
Ergun E.; Börcek A.O.; Cemil B.; Doğulu F.; Baykaner M.K. (2008): Should we operate all extradural spinal arachnoid cysts? Report of a case. Turk Neurosurg. Vol. 18. Nr. 1. Seite 52-55.
Link zu http://www.turkishneurosurgery.org.tr/pdf/pdf_JTN_553.pdf
Frank Feigenbaum; Henderson Fraser C. (2006): Giant sacral meningeal diverticula: surgical implications of the “thecal tip” sign. Report of two cases 443. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. Vol. 5. Nr. 5. Seite 443-446.
Link zu http://thejns.org/doi/pdf/10.3171/spi.2006.5.5.443
Fujimoto T.; Giles B.P.; Replogle R.E.; Fujimoto H.; Miller S.L.; Purdy P.D. (2005): Visualization of sacral nerve roots via percutaneous intraspinal navigation (PIN).AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. Vol. 26. Nr. 9. Seite 2420-2424.
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Gnanalingham K.K.; Joshi S.M.; Sabin I. (2006): Thoracic arachnoiditis, arachnoid cyst and syrinx formation secondary to myelography with Myodil, 30 years previously. Eur Spine J. Vol. 15. Suppl. 5. Seite S661-S663.
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Hamamcioglu M.K.; Kilincer C.; Hicdonmez T.; Simsek O.; Birgili B.; Cobanoglu S. (2006): Giant cervicothoracic extradural arachnoid cyst: case report. Eur Spine J. Vol. 15. Suppl.5. Seite S595-S598.
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Khan A.K.; Deb S.; Ray D.; Nag B.(2004): Thecoperitoneal shunt in case of symptomatic anterior sacral meningocele. Neurol India. Vol. 52. Seite 403-404.
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Kayalı H.; Düz B.; Gönül E. (2008): SYMPTOMATIC SACRAL TARLOV CYST: Case Report. Journal of Ankara medical School. Vol. 25. Nr. 2. Seite 103- 106.
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Kazuhiko Ishii; Masahito Yuzurihara; Shunji Asamoto; Hiroshi Doi; Motoo Kubota (2007): A huge presacral Tarlov cyst. Case report 259. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. Vol. 7. Nr. 2. Seite 259-263.
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Kemaloğlu S.; Nas K.; Gür A.; Bukte Y.; Ceviz A.; Ozkan U. (2001): Synovial cyst at the intervertebral foramina causing lumbar radiculopathy. Spinal Cord. Vol. 39. Nr. 7. Seite 399-401.
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Spanisch- Portugisisch- Englische Artikel
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Ruibal Moldes M.; Sánchez Rodríguez-Losada J.; López García D.; Casas Agudo V.; Janeiro País J.M.; González Martín M. (2008): Quiste de Tarlov y disfunción vesical sintomática. Servicio de Urología. Hospital Juan Canalejo. La Coruña. Actas Urol Esp. 2008. Vol. 32. Nr. 10. Seite 1035-1036.
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